Monday 26 April 2010

Azraq Trip

Last week, the whole 7th grade went to the Azraq Wetland Reserve on a field trip. It was a very interesting trip, except when we had to walk 1 kilometer from the lodge to the reserve. There was lots of chirping birds but we didn't (or at least I didn't) see much of them. We explored the area and saw 19 poor water buffaloes stuck in a cage, and started a project in which we got a water bottle with the top part cut off, and put some mud, crushed eggs, water, and scraps of newspaper. I have they told us it will show how some bacteria will move to the very bottom and some others to the top. I recommend you visit if you have the time and interest to go.

Monday 19 April 2010


In Digital Media, we have started Photoshopping. I think it is a very fun program. in the beginning it might be a little challenging but after a while you get used t it. Here is my most recent picture I made:

Click here to see my Flickr page.
In L.A. we are currently in author study. We read at least 2 books by the same author and find similarities in the style the author writes. The author I am reading is Anthony Horowitz.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Yesterday in Social Studies, we continued our "Amazing Race". It was so fun! We got to run around school, get chased by other teams and run around the school some more. These are the rules:
1. Get clue paper from teacher with a clue and questions.
2. Figure out what country the clue is trying to tell.
3. Run around the school trying to find the paper with the country on it.
4. Find paper, answer the questions from the paper.
5. Go back to teacher to check if the questions are right.
6. Repeat 13 times.

The best part of it was that my team WON!

Sunday 11 April 2010

My first blog post

I will use the blog for writing things I have done in my life and my opinion about what happened.

I do not expect much from my blog, I think that I will get barely one view a day and I don't believe I will be using this after the school year is over.